As the weather warms up, construction crews of all types begin to take on more projects. And of course, when this happens, the likelihood of an accident is much greater.
Nobody knows for sure why construction accidents increase during the summer months, but some of the potential culprits include longer daylight hours, more distractions, vacation planning, and different sleeping patterns.
While this is a major concern, there are steps companies can take to prevent accidents during the summer months. These include:
— Holding regular meetings to ensure that everybody is on the same page at all times.
— Making sure all workers are wearing the appropriate gear, even if the weather is warm.
— Hydration. When temperatures heat up, the chance of dehydration also increases. It is essential for all workers to stay hydrated, even if they are not feeling poorly.
— Protect against working too many hours. With long daylight hours and nice weather, some workers are tempted to stay on the job for too long. When this happens, a person gets tired, which can lead to an accident that causes serious injury or even death.
There is no sure fire way to prevent construction accidents this summer, but there are steps employers and workers can take to protect against this.
If for any reason a person is injured in a construction accident, he or she should not wait to receive medical attention. The individual should call for help from the site and then do whatever it takes to make a full recovery. Furthermore, it’s important to let your employer know what happened.
Source: For Construction Pros, “Ten Tips to Prevent the Construction-Accident High Season,” accessed April 06, 2016