On-the-Job Injuries Require Legal Advice
Workers who have been involved in an on-the-job injury and seek workers’ compensation benefits are often surprised and confused by many documents associated with their cases. Some request signatures and other information from claimants. Some must be filed with the state Bureau of Workers’ Compensation.
To protect your own best interests, consult with a lawyer at MHK Attorneys before signing or submitting any documents. It is all too easy to provide inaccurate information, make mistakes about what to do with a particular document or sign wrong documents. Handling any of these documents incorrectly can harm your case. Remember: Do not sign anything without the advice of an experienced attorney.
If you have been injured on the job in Pennsylvania, MHK Attorneys can help you make sense of, and respond appropriately to, documents such as the following:
- A Notice of Compensation Payable (NCP) and a Statement of Wages, which shows your Average Weekly Wage (AWW)
- A Notice of Temporary Compensation Payable (NTCP)
- A Notice of Compensation Denial (NCD)
- A Notice of Ability to Return to Work
- A Notification of Suspension or Modification
- An Employee Verification of Employment, Self-Employment or Change in Physical Condition
- An Employee’s Report of Benefits (unemployment compensation, old age Social Security and pension benefits after the date of the injury)
To avoid making costly mistakes, stay in close contact with your workers’ compensation attorney whenever you receive documents such as these. In particular, do not sign anything until you have clear direction from your lawyer.
We Offer Free Consultations And A Free Book About Workers’ Compensation Claims In Pennsylvania
Ask for our free book entitled What Every Pennsylvania Worker Needs To Know About Workers’ Compensation. If you’ve been involved in an on-the-job injury you can schedule a consultation with a lawyer at MHK Attorneys here or by calling 570-839-8050 – 570-839-8050 FREE. You can also connect with us via our Facebook page.