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The Most Common Causes of Construction Safety Accidents.
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The Most Common Causes of Construction Safety Accidents.

Construction worker's hardhat on floor. | Construction Safety Accidents

Construction Safety Accidents can be Avoided!

If you work in the construction industry, accidents are a part of your job. While this may be true to a certain extent, it doesn’t mean you have to give in to the fact that you will some day be injured in a construction safety accident. All construction workers should understand the most common causes of accidents. This goes a long way in helping them avoid trouble.

Accident Catagories

There are four primary categories of construction safety accidents, including the following:


With so many people climbing and working at height, the chance of a fall is always a possibility.

Electrical Incidents

There are many types of electrical accidents, including but not limited to the improper use of equipment and contact with power lines.

Struck by an Object

When a construction worker is struck by an object, such as a piece of equipment, there is a good chance of injury.

Trenching and evacuation.

Construction Safety Accident Prevention

Every company should do whatever they can to improve the safety of each construction site. The same holds true for the workers. When everybody is on the same page, there is less chance of an accident.

Construction workers enjoy their job, but this does not mean they are okay with the idea that they could be injured at some point. If you want to avoid trouble, make sure you are familiar with all the safety risks associated with your worksite and position. This is no guarantee that you will avoid trouble, but it can definitely work in your favor.

Information regarding worksite injuries and workers’ compensation can be found on the MHK website. If you would like to speak with an attorney about your specific situation or schedule a consultation you can do so here.

Source: Lorman Education Services, “The Top 4 Causes of Construction Safety Accidents,” accessed Dec. 28, 2015

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