The Top 7 Mistakes to Avoid Before Your Workers’ Compensation Case Here is a preview of the contents of our free book, What Every Pennsylvania Worker Needs To Know About Their Workers’ Compensation Case. We will gladly send you your own copy upon request....
Pennsylvania Passes New DUI Laws New PA DUI laws that stop repeat DUI offenders from avoiding proper punishment could help prevent alcohol-related accidents. In late 2014, Pennsylvania lawmakers passed a bill to ensure that convicted drunk drivers are punished...
On-the-Job Injuries Require Legal Advice Workers who have been involved in an on-the-job injury and seek workers’ compensation benefits are often surprised and confused by many documents associated with their cases. Some request signatures and other information...
Studies show that hands-free cellular devices act as a significant source of cognitive distraction to drivers. Although it is perfectly legal for drivers to talk on hand-held and hands-free cellular devices in Pennsylvania, researchers are urging motorists to refrain...
Tractor trailers can be dangerous on the road and drivers should know how to drive safely around them in order to avoid an accident. Countless tractor trailers traverse Pennsylvania roadways on a daily basis. Motorists in the state may be used to sharing the road with...